Find sites offering free web space for file hosting! Sites where you can back up, store, share or transfer all your files. To have all your files in one place with access from everywhere. Easily create and manage your contacts and calendar or temporarily host a file... Simple free services for businesses, professionals and individuals to keep safe copies or share files, recipes, images and more.
33 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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Are you having trouble sending large files to family and friends? Or do you have files you want to share on a blog, forum or website? FileFactory is the easiest and fastest way to share your files. They let you host files up to 2 GB for free. You can upload movies, music, documents, images, zip files, ...
With MailBigFile you can send large files when e-mail won't. Many ISP's limit the size of files that can be attached to an e-mail, often as little as 10 or 20 MBs is the maximum size. Or perhaps you've received a large file by e-mail in the past and found that you have to wait whilst it downloads before ...
You can use the free space made available by FileDropper for backup and storage of files of any type: documents, MP3s, images and video files of all kinds, up to a maximum of 5 Megabytes each. You can then share it with a customized link. The transmission rate is very high, the price to ...