Find sites offering free web space for file hosting! Sites where you can back up, store, share or transfer all your files. To have all your files in one place with access from everywhere. Easily create and manage your contacts and calendar or temporarily host a file... Simple free services for businesses, professionals and individuals to keep safe copies or share files, recipes, images and more.
33 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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ImageShack is an intuitive and easy-to-use free image hosting solution. It can be used to share pictures with friends, as well as to post images on message boards and blogs. It can also be used to direct link images on your personal website or online auction. ImageShack allows the following formats: ...
Microsoft Office Online is a free platform on which you can save documents, spreadsheets and slideshows OneDrive, and share them with other users. You can start now: it's free!
4Shared is a sort of huge online archive where you can save documents, audio files, videos and photos - for your safety, or to share them with others. By subscribing to the website you will get 10GB of FREE web space to store files up to 200MB each. 4Shared is very easy to use and have some nice features ...
Hiboox is a great free image hosting service for all blog or forum users. Hiboox is very easy to use and a leader in photo-management and sharing applications. Use the Hiboox service to share your pictures in your blog, on a forum, on a web site, via messenger or e-mail. Without registration, with just ...
With Minus you can easily create and share your files (pictures, docs, music, videos and other files) online. You just drag and drop your files from your desktop directly to your browser, and they'll do the rest. Sharing with Minus is fast, easy, and fun. Oh, and of course it's also free!
You can become a free member of Mega, an excellent cloud storage service based in New Zealand that offers 50 Gigabytes of web space for cloud hosting. You can store your files by organizing them into directories just like you would do on your hard drive. Privacy and security are guaranteed by an advanced ...
Upload Pie is an original free hosting service, which allows you to upload image files and documents (in the gif, png, jpg, pdf and txt formats) and select the 'consumption' time of the file online (you have 5 options from 30 minutes up to a week to choose from a drop-down menu). The service then provides ...
Sharing your links has never been more rewarding! FileSonic offers you an extremely interesting affiliate program! Simply upload your files, share your links and get paid for it! They pay you for every friend you recommend and if you own a website, you can earn 10 USD for all Premium Sales generated ...
MediaFire is the simplest free file hosting service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to share files and images with others. With MediaFire you can share files and images with all of your friends and upload them only once; link to files from your social network pages, your blog, or forums; ...
eMule is one of the most important and reliable peer-to-peer file sharing clients around the world. With this program it's very easy to download the latest music, movies, games, software, documents and lots more. To find the file you want, eMule offers a wide range of search possibilities which include: ...