Find sites offering free web space for file hosting! Sites where you can back up, store, share or transfer all your files. To have all your files in one place with access from everywhere. Easily create and manage your contacts and calendar or temporarily host a file... Simple free services for businesses, professionals and individuals to keep safe copies or share files, recipes, images and more.
33 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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Every day we're sharing more content over the internet, but not all the websites are safe and secure. With you can store and share your content with confidence. They guarantee almost a 100% up-time, SSL encryption, redundant storage and more. Save money on expensive servers, but use Box instead. ...
With Img-Up you can upload and share an unlimited number of photos free and without registration. The maximum file size is 8192 KB per image. It supports the JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and PSD formats. So you can show these pictures to friends and relatives and also send them by email. When you register, ...
When lots of people attend an event, it may be useful to collect all the pictures in one album. A photo sharing service such as Yogile can come in handy. The service is web-based and free. It requires the first member of the group to register; then he can start uploading photos through the simple interface. ...
The free app Cumulo allows you to integrate various cloud storage services like Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, Box and SugarSync in a single view. With a single search you can find all items in the cloud servers you use, delete file duplicates, open files directly from the browser, visualize pictures, ...
This platform provides an easy opportunity for you to send large files to your friends, family, or business partners. Just upload the file you want to share and they will send you a download link to your file. You can pass this link to whoever you want by e-mail or messenger. makes file ...
SugarSync isn't merely a back-up solution; you can sync all your files such as Microsoft Office documents, photos, music, and media to all your computers and web-enabled mobile phones, instantly. Store and back up your files in their secure servers and access them from any web browser, anywhere, anytime. ...
CloudKafé is a free service allowing you to access and manage all of your cloud storage accounts (i.e. Dropbox, SkyDrive, SugarSync, Box, CX, Google Drive) as well as social media (like Flickr, Picasa, Vimeo, Facebook and Instagram) from one place. All you have to do is log in (even through Facebook) ...
Dropbox offers free file sync, sharing and secure backup in one software application that integrates with the user's operating system and is accessible from anywhere via the Dropbox website. The Dropbox interface is easy to use and solves problems that are common to almost all computer users, such as: ...
Uploading your file to more then one place is always a good idea. This not only makes sure that people get the file but also gives an option to people to use their favorite file hosting provider to download. Upload Mirrors allows you to upload files to multiple hosting providers in one click and then ...
Tradebit offers intelligent file hosting space: you can sell and host files, sell music, photos, documents, software, and e-books using your own PayPal or Clickbank account. Get started with their free package, which is without storage, or get a free trial with their Cool Package. This includes 0.04 ...