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In 1989, retired sea captain Warmolt Houwing discovered an illustrated Bible story book, entitled 'He Lived Among Us'. He obtained the copyrights and started giving the books away to fellow seamen in the Port of Antwerp. Giving away these books has since become his mission in life. More than 18 million ...


Dynamic Network Services strives to provide superior domain name system (DNS) services with the highest levels of redundancy, service, and support. By filling out the form on this page, you will have the right to download the free e-book 'The Master List of DNS Terminology', in which you will find a ...

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On ManyBooks you can find free eBooks for your PDA, iPhone, or eBook reader. Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from our visitors. Perhaps you will find something interesting in the special collections. There are more than 24,000 eBooks available here and they ...


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Rent, buy, or sell your timeshare or resort vacation condos through the online listings on Vacation Timeshare rentals. Here timeshare owners and prospective buyers and renders comes together to make timesharing easier and more affordable. For those of you who have ever wondered, 'How can I sell my timeshare ...


Foboko is not only a platform for self-publishing, but it also offers a series of free e-books for you to download in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

The whole world as a large library - that is the idea, which is behind Bookcrossing. Register free of charge on the Bookcrossing web a book you read before. This book gets now an ID, to be able to follow the way of it. Then get the book released: you can put it at the doctors' waiting room, or 'forget' ...

Baen Books is now making available for free a number of its titles in electronic format, the Baen Free Library. Anyone who wishes can read these titles online no conditions, no strings attached. Some of the books in the Library consist of novels which belong to a series. As a rule, they only put ...


Getting the winning edge in your child custody or parenting time case isn't always easy. Is the other parent giving you problems? Are you being denied parenting time, and you pay child support? Is the other parent alienating you from your child, and turning them against you? If you can answer 'yes' ...
