There are plenty of books online that you may read for free and not only e-books! Sometimes you can even request your free printed copy.
41 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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Visit 1066 Country gives you a chance to virtually tour Europe's largest beach-launched fishing fleet, study the route for their world famous Jack-in-the-Green Festival, get the latest gossip on the next series of the Hastings-set TV series 'Foyle's War', plus so much more. Visit their website, sign ...


Find poems from different poets all around the world. On PoemHunter you can find thousands of poems and poets, but also lyrics, quotations and funny mini quizzes. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine, read the poems online or download their free poetry e-books.


Raz-Kids leveled readers and reading exercises are great for teaching reading to English as a second language (ESL) students, English language learners (ELL), reluctant readers, special education students, and all emerging readers. You can try out a free sample.


Pdf Books world is a great search engine for finding free e-books in PDF format. Thousands of files in various languages. Just choose the language you want to find books in and start searching. You'll get a list with title, short description, language, number of pages, and file size. If you find the ...

If you're spending hours each day on email but can't find the time to read a book then this site is for you. DailyLit sends books in instalments via e-mail. DailyLit currently offers over 400 classic public domain titles that can be subscribed to and read in their entirety for free. Popular titles include ...

If you love reading but have lack of time, you'll definitely like this site. At Short-Stories you can find free stories to read online, to download to your pc or handheld or to print. You can browse the library by genre or search it for a title, author or keyword. Clicking on an author's name lists ...


The New Life Mission, founded by Rev. Paul C. Jong in 1991, is a non-denominational and a non-profit mission organization. It aims at preaching the words of God to all the people of the world through literature ministry. It has been distributing hundreds of thousands copies of printed books and e-books ...

If you don't have a Bible and you want to get to know it, here you can get the Gospel of John free. They'll just send it to you completely free, on your own demand by filling in the online form.


Scribd is an online ditigal library site where you can discover an incredible amount of books and written documents across all of your devices (iOS, Android, and) Windows. Sign up for a free 30-days trial today.


| contains free short stories and novels. To read them you just need to register for free: then you have access to hundreds of free stories, divided into various genres. Authors, if you have written a story or poem, you can use this site to publish your writing (short or novel length). ...
