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Girl Power: online magazine for girls

Girl Power is an Online Magazine for girls! A super chick destination for today's internet savvy girls. Shop online, Fashion & Beauty reviews and features, What's Hot in Entertainment, Fantastic Competitions, Articles & Advice, Love, Relationships & Health, plus a Free VIP club!

764 visits

Facebook: the blue social network

Facebook is a social utility that helps people better understand the world around them. Facebook facilitates the spread of information through social networks allowing people to share information online the same way they do in the real world. It is made up of many networks - individual schools, companies or regions - each of which are independent and closed off to non-affiliated users. To join Facebook, you can authenticate into a school or work network, or join a regional network. You can then create a profile to connect with friends, share interests, join groups, send messages, writes notes, post photos and look up people around you. The Facebook Toolbar enables you to quickly access Facebook even if you're not on the site. Facebook is completely free.

2017 visits

Population Clocks according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census

On this site you can see, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the resident population of the United States, projected to date. They sigh the average birth, death, international migrant (net) and the net gain of one person by seconds. But also the total population of the World, projected to date according to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of the Census.

1567 visits

Pregnant and no Insurance? Maternity Card Can Help!

Worried about the expenses of having a baby? Over 50% of all pregnant women are uninsured, and the cost of maternity health expenses can be staggering for those paying out of pocket. MaternityCard provides a solution for uninsured, expecting mothers, make you saving as much as 60% off their maternity bills. Best of all, you can get all the benefits of Maternity Card PPO even after you are already pregnant! Their national maternity preferred provider network can provide benefits for doctors, labs and hospitals. Want to see more? Just fill in the online form for immediate, free information on the benefits that you can get.

503 visits

Webroot: Free spyware scan and more utilities

Find spyware on your PC now using Spy Sweeper's state-of-the-art detection technology. Webroot's Spy Sweeper is the most powerful antispyware tool, it detects spyware and blocks new threats before you can unwittingly infect your PC. Try also the other software from Webroot: Window Washer washes away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improves system performance; Desktop firewall is a two-way firewall protection, keeping your data in and intruders out; block intrusive pop-up ads and take back control of your computer with the Pop-Up washer. With Webroot software your PC is safe!

7529 visits

Undelete Plus: recover deleted files

Undelete Plus is a quick and effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files, files removed from the Recycle Bin, in a DOS window, from a network drive, from Windows Explorer with the SHIFT key held down. Undelete Plus works under all Windows operating systems and supports all Windows file systems for hard and floppy drives including FAT and NTFS and image recovery from CompactFlash, SmartMedia, MultiMedia and SD cards. As soon as you discover that vital files have been erased, the most important thing is to prevent erased files from being rewritten. To do so, avoid any use of the disk where the file was erased until after the files are recovered. Undelete Plus is freeware.

1554 visits

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