HoverSnap: freeware for taking screenshots
HoverSnap is a a free handy snapshot tool with jpg, png, bmp and gif support. HoverSnap can take snapshots of the full screen, active window or a selected area. It can even capture layered windows (alphablended ones under 2K/XP). You can even FTP upload your screenshots! You can set up the capture folder/filename and format. You can reduce the capture size. Auto-generate filename option will add the time stamp (date/time) to your filename in order to be able to take several captures without having to change the filename. Optional sound when capture is done. HoverSnap is free for personal use only!

Birthday Alarm: free app reminding you of your friends' birthdays
BirthdayAlarm is a fabulous site to keep your relations good with your dear ones. If you are not very organized and forget to send cards, or even buy them and don't send them, then you really need this app. It makes it all so easy, and reminds you of your friends b-day when you don't remember, making it seem that you did, it keep up the good show!
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