Billy Bear - kids games site
Billy Bear has games to play, printable coloring pages, craft ideas, online games. storybooks to read, free wallpaper and screensavers to download... So don't forget to pack a picnic lunch when you visit this site.
Be part of a Live Interactive Discussions Community!
TalkShoe is a service that enables anyone to easily create, join, or listen to Live Interactive Discussions, Conversations, Podcasts and Audioblogs. These hosted Community Calls can be discussions, conversations, talk shows and podcasts. Recorded Community Calls can be listened to, downloaded, or subscribed to. With TalkShoe, you can better connect with your podcasting and blogging audience. And if your Community Call becomes popular, you can make money too. It's a great way to connect with people of common interests, and you might even make new friends. You can choose to talk, text-chat, or just listen along.
Remove unnecessary duplicate files with DoubleKiller
DoubleKiller is a fast and easy to use application for finding and removing duplicate files. It searches single or multiple directories for duplicate files by comparing any combination of file name, size, modification date and content. Using user-defined masks like *.mp3 or *.dll you can limit the scan to files that interest you or protect important files from being scanned. Furthermore you can exclude files in a particular file size range or files with certain attributes, like hidden or system files. When the scan is finished a list containing all duplicates found is displayed and you can manually or automatically select the files to be removed. DoubleKiller is freeware!
WebmasterRadio Free Internet Radio for webmasters
Internet Radio and Podcasts for Webmasters. 24/7 Free Webmaster Radio. You can listen to WMR with pretty much any media player on the planet. They support Windows Media Player, iTunes, Winamp and pretty much any other streaming media players. You can find a complete schedule on the home page that describes not only what shows air live today, but also... what will play in re-run for that day.
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