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Couchsurfing - meet people and surf their couches!

Couchsurfing - meet people and surf their couches! screenshot

Ready to start seeing the world? It's smaller than you think, if you go via CouchSurfing. You can use the network to meet people and then go and surf other members' couches! When you surf a couch, you are a guest at someone's house. They will provide you with some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a back yard to pitch your tent in. Stays can be as short as a cup of coffee, a night or two, or even a few months or more. When you offer your couch, you have complete control of who visits. The possibilities are endless and completely up to you. Start surfing now to find other people just like yourself who are willing to host you on their couches!
Rating: 9.00, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 19-Dec-2024.

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  Couchsurfing: conosci gente e dormi sul loro divano

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