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Wikia Green: the best way to learn about the environment

Wikia Green: the best way to learn about the environment screenshot

Wikia Green is the Wikia for citizens of the Earth to learn about the environment and how to live a more sustainable life. In the light of the climate crisis and other ecological challenges we are hearing more than ever about environmental problems. Learning about the environment can often be confusing and overwhelming. There are lots of voices talking about the environment - activists, governments, companies, advisory groups, and non-profits, to name a few - all of whom have different ways of explaining things and advising you. Green Wikia strives to become a trusted central place to share the growing and evolving body of knowledge about environmental topics and issues with people who want to inform themselves and live in a more sustainable way.
Rating: 10.00, 1 Votes

Language: - English - French - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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