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JSFiddle: online IDE for HTML, CSS and JS

JSFiddle: online IDE for HTML, CSS and JS screenshot

JSFiddle is an online IDE for web developers that allows testing and sharing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. The minimalist interface is divided into four main frames, which correspond to editable HTML, JavaScript, and CSS fields and a fourth field that displays the user's project after execution. The CodeMirror text editor offers features such as multicursor, syntax highlighting, linting, brace matching, autocompletion, code and text folding, search, and replace. In addition, JSFiddle allows users to integrate external resources such as CSS style sheets and JavaScript libraries. Users can publicly save their code infinite times for free and access the different saved versions later, modify them, and share them with other users.
Rating: 9, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 19-Dec-2024.

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