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FireChat: free iOS app to chat without an Internet connection

FireChat: free iOS app to chat without an Internet connection screenshot

Chatta senza connessione

It seems impossible, but by downloading the free FireChat app for iPhone and iPad (developed by Open Garden Inc.), you can communicate with people in your vicinity, even when there is no wi-fi or you do not want to connect your device. This software uses the capabilities of iOS Multipeer Connectivity Framework 7 (i.e. the principle of hyperlocal network), which works well in the range of about 300 meters. You can therefore use the app not only at home but also on the beach, on the subway, in the halls of a fair, at the stadium, in a camping - communicating with friends and colleagues who have downloaded the same application.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: Italian - English - Spanish - French - German - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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