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Rhymezone: rhyming dictionary and thesaurus

Rhymezone: rhyming dictionary and thesaurus screenshot

RhymeZone is an online tool that aspires to be the best and fastest way for writers to find words. You can use it to help write poetry, song lyrics, greeting cards, term papers, and more. You can use it to explore relationships between words. You can use it to find the correct spelling of a word you're not quite sure of. You can use it as a springboard for finding pictures, documents, and other multimedia items related to a particular concept that you're writing about. Finally, you can use it to see how your word is used in the context of famous quotes, poems, and plays. Type in a word to find its rhymes, synonyms, and definitions but also have a look at the other great features on RhymeZone.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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