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Cut your household's junk mail with GreenDimes

Cut your household's junk mail with GreenDimes screenshot

It's a fact of life these days. Almost every time we buy something, subscribe to a magazine, or newsletter, or even enter our name in a drawing for a spiffy new car, we get someone's mailing list. Thankfully, there is something you can do about it. GreenDimes was created to give you a choice about what gets into your home's mail box, and what doesn't. As the trusted leader in stopping unwanted junk mail, they've developed an effective, long-lasting procedure that really can cut junk mail by up to 90%. GreenDimes stops your entire household's junk mail and plants trees on your behalf. Their impact is huge. In just over a year, they've stopped 3 million pounds of junk mail and saved/planted 1,000,000 trees. Join GreenDimes Basic for free.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 19-Dec-2024.

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