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Map your server with ExpanDrive (SFTPDrive)

Map your server with ExpanDrive (SFTPDrive) screenshot

Don't drag and drop. Don't transfer back and forth. Just use SftpDrive, a Network file system for Windows that facilitates mapping of virtual drive letter to any ssh/sftp server you can access, thus allowing any Windows application to read, write, and manage remote files as if they were stored locally. If your desktop machine runs Windows and you have to edit files on a Linux server, then you usually work with an SSH/SFTP client. The problem is that it doesn't allow you to access files the way you're used to under Windows. What you need is a tool that enables you to map a folder on a Linux box to a Windows driver letter. SftpDrive does just that. Perfect for any web developer or programmer that runs Windows, but relies on Linux. It works great and you can try it for free!
Rating: 1.00, 2 Votes

Language: - English - Spanish - French - German - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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