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Safer e-mail with Benign by FireTrust

Safer e-mail with Benign by FireTrust screenshot

Did you know viruses and e-mail worms can run automatically just by reading your e-mail? What about links called web bugs that automatically confirm you have a valid address as soon as you preview your e-mail? If this happens, you have a good chance that some marketing companies will start sending you lots of spam because they know your address works! Stop viruses, worms, scripts, web bugs and other nasties from attacking your computer, using this powerful e-mail neutralizing software. Imagine being able to receive e-mail which is safe, without affecting your e-mail. Benign neutralizes or strips out the code that makes viruses, worms and scripts and other potentially harmful things run. Benign, makes downloading your e-mail safe. You can try a fully functional version up to 30 days.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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