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Safer Internet with OpenDNS

Safer Internet with OpenDNS screenshot

OpenDNS makes the Internet experience safer, faster and smarter for you and everyone using your network. OpenDNS can identify and stop sites trying to phish (steal) your personal information or money. Most DNS servers on the Internet are slow. Your computer uses DNS every time you visit a website or send an email, so you want DNS to be blazing fast. Two things make DNS really fast: a big cache and a good network. They have both. Everyone can use OpenDNS — individual computers and large networks. OpenDNS service is free and there's no software to install! There are two ways to change your DNS settings: on your router or on your computer and it only takes two minutes.
Rating: 6.00, 3 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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  OpenDNS per viaggiare più sicuri e veloci in Rete

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