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PicBlock free Pornblocker software

PicBlock free Pornblocker software screenshot

Protect yourself and your kids from accidental or intentional exposure to pornographic images on the Internet. Finding pornographic images on the Internet is easy. Anyone will find porn images and sites with just a few clicks. Have you ever typed a web address incorrectly and landed on a porn site? Many porn sites purposely use web addresses similar in spelling to popular web sites, trapping users who may have spelled the intended address incorrectly. PicBlock is a revolutionary tool that blocks pornographic images from displaying in your e-mail client or web browser. Unlike traditional porn blocking tools that rely on keyword filters and constantly outdated blacklists, PicBlock blocks porn by detecting the amount of flesh tones in images.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 27-Aug-2024.

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