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File sharing between friends, easy, secure and free with GigaTribe!

File sharing between friends, easy, secure and free with GigaTribe! screenshot

GigaTribe is a software that allows you to exchange files with your friends on a private network. You are the one creating your private network by inviting your friends. No one can join your network unless invited. You can dismiss or banish your guests at any time. Your guests can't see each other on your network. Just install TribalWeb, select the folders you want to share and invite your friends to join your private network! When exchanging a file, only the sender and the receiver are aware of the exchange, all the data exchanged on your network are encrypted. This and much more completely free! Sharing files has never been so safe!
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - French - Updated on 19-Dec-2024.

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