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SlickRun - command-line for Windows

SlickRun - command-line for Windows screenshot

SlickRun is a free floating command line utility for Windows. It gives you almost instant access to any program or website. SlickRun allows you to create command aliases (known as MagicWords). Enter a web URL into SlickRun and it will launch your browser and navigate to the specified address. Run multiple programs in a few keystrokes, jot a note, look up a definition... SlickRun is the most natural way to interact with your computer. It is not a 'hotkey' program, it is designed to be far more intuitive than 'hotkey' programs. You shouldn't have to keep an awkward mental list of hotkeys for launching your favorite programs. Instead, just type whatever's most natural for you to remember; with auto-completion, you'll rarely type more than 2 or 3 characters anyway.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 19-Dec-2024.

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