Free contents for your website for you to use and improve your pages: fresh news, articles, and posts to include in your pages and newsletters. Here you can also find free Content Management Systems (CMS), feedback forms, shoutboxes, chatrooms, polls and survey platforms, and free RSS feed tools.
40 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.

On the Boardhost website you can easily create your own free forum. You can create unlimited forums and postings and their service is loaded with lots of interesting features and tools. It only takes a few minutes to create your free forum and messageboard. The Boardhost service is reliable, easy and ...


You just need to read the licence agreement, and click on 'I agree' to be able to copy and past the script which adds a search box to look up the OALD on your website. Your visitors will be able to use one of the best known dictionaries for learners of English for non-commercial purposes.


This page offers various tools for SEO and word processing including a useful word counter. If you need to write a limited-length text, copy and paste it into the box, and you will immediately be shown the number of characters and words it contains. You will also be able to remove all tags, replace ...

Stop searching the Internet for articles to include in your email newsletter. You have found the right place to pick up fresh content for your ezine or website. The authors of these articles have given their permission for you to reprint the articles provided that you include the entire article including ...


Web Design Library is a great resource for webmasters looking for a web design, tutorials and other information you need when making a site. You will find thousands of materials on web design including fresh news, articles and tutorials on HTML, Photoshop, Flash, 3D, etc. It covers all theoretical and ...


If you are a webmaster, you can enrich your site with Flash games completely free of charge. Just download the files from the site, upload them to your server and then incorporate them into your web pages using a snippet of code. Alternatively, you can also embed a multiplay ...

Voki enables users to express themselves on the web in their own voice using a talking character. You can customize your Voki to look like you or take on the identity of lots of other types of characters animals, monsters, anime etc. Your Voki can speak with your own voice which is added via microphone, ...


Greeting cards make communication special. Be it a special occasion or a special someone... one can hardly celebrate without sending a card. So reach out with a sparkling card and make someone's day memorable! At 123Greetings you can find all kind of cards, Graduation Cards, Rose Month Card, Butterfly ...

This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. As you know, reaching your customers in an deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects. Your ...


Several sites offer free online polls for your site, but stands out. You can customize background and text colors to match your site and even add an image to the poll header. Polls can be displayed on the page or in a pop-up window. Make your site interactive with: survey, counter, banner ...