Have a good, healthy and easy life with resources found on the Internet. You can find free services, free samples, and lots of information to remain in good shape or to make your life easier!
30 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.

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The Breast Cancer Site was founded to help fund free mammograms for women in need women for whom early detection would not otherwise be possible. At The Breast Cancer Site, there are many free ways you can help women in need receive the gift of early breast cancer detection. By clicking every day, ...


On Bodyform website you get expert advice about menstruation and how it affects your life: from the first period to pregnancy to bleeding disorders and menopause, find answers to all of your questions.


Every month, Prevention magazine offers you the best resources on the Internet. Just come to this address and find Internet hyperlinks to experts, products, and resources mentioned in their publication. Consider this helpful resource your full-time bookmark to quality health information. America's leading ...


The American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association have joined together to encourage the prevention and early detection of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The 'Everyday Choices For A Healthier Life' campaign's call to action is basic: eat right, don't ...

Whether working or exercising, we all spend an enormous amount of time on our feet. According to a recent study, three out of four people experience a serious foot problem at least once in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most of these "suffering soles" have not had access to the wealth of information ...


Microsoft HealthVault is designed to put you in control of your health information. A free HealthVault account helps you collect, store and share information with family members and gives you a choice of applications and devices to help manage your fitness, diet and health. The Microsoft HealthVault ...


The site BodyMaps Healthline allows you to easily explore the human body in 3D mode. You can watch 3D videos explaining how your body functions are working, how the body is made layer-by-layer. It is easy to navigate, and by moving you mouse over the body you'll see the organs in detail and get information ...


When you work at your computer you know you need a break sometimes, but it isn't that easy. Getrelaxed will help you. It offers you free online soundscapes which will help you to reduce your stress level. You can open this site and just listen to the music while doing something else, or just sit down ...


Using your computer continuously is not healthy for your eyes. Probably you know that you should take a 15-minutes rest every now and then but when you're working or playing games it's difficult to do. Lots of people using a computer experience eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and other visual symptoms. ...