Internet is of great help if you are looking for a penpal, old classmates, travel mates, workout partners, people to chat with, to share the same interests, sport, and hobbies! Here you can find free communities, Instant Messenger programs, student networks, social networks where you can find old friends and make new ones: like-minded people from all over the world!
37 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
Badoo is a global network community, which allows you to meet new people around the world or just next door. Badoo includes many nice features, games and applications allowing you to broaden your social life. Badoo is the best place to meet new people in a fun way. Register for free, chat, flirt and ...
Facebook is a social utility that helps people better understand the world around them. Facebook facilitates the spread of information through social networks allowing people to share information online the same way they do in the real world. It is made up of many networks - individual schools, companies ...
Pinterest is a social network specialized in multimedia, in that its users prefer to share pictures, videos and other images. Its name derives from 'Pin' and 'Interest': in fact on Pinterest you can pin, organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the Web and browse other people's pinboards. ...
MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends. Create a private community on MySpace and you can share photos, journals and interests with your growing network of mutual friends! See who knows who, or how you are connected. Find out if you really are six people away from Kevin ...
CafeMom is the premier online destination for moms, by moms bringing together the best of what real moms have to say on topics they care about most. CafeMom is a community where moms come together to get advice and support on topics like pregnancy, health, fashion, food, entertainment, and more. ...
Happier is a virtual space dedicated to happiness, a social network created in the US in order for its members to collect and share the happy moments of everyday life. Brighten someone's day by clicking on a smile and find new ideas to be happier. People registered in this social network can only post ...
aNobii is a community where book lovers can create their own bookshelves, share and explore books. You can review books and meet like-minded people to discover your next must-read item. You can add and organize your books neatly on an aNobii Shelf and keep track of what you read, what you're reading ...
TalkShoe is a service that enables anyone to easily create, join, or listen to Live Interactive Discussions, Conversations, Podcasts and Audioblogs. These hosted Community Calls can be discussions, conversations, talk shows and podcasts. Recorded Community Calls can be listened to, downloaded, or subscribed ...
Are you looking for discussions about a specific topic? You can promote and share your interests, meet like-minded people, keep in touch with family, schedule and advertise events and much more. How would you like to increase traffic to your site? Why not add your own message board and chat room as ...
Using various social networks you might loose control of what you're sharing on which platform. Geek Chart makes it possible to view in a clear chart where you share stuff online (Flickr, Twitter, Delicious, your own blog, Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, and more) This might be useful for yourself, but ...