Make your your movie! Video hosting is very popular and probably most of you are using YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo or MySpace. But with over 100 million videos watched every day it will be hard to achieve video stardom there! There are some really good alternatives to them. Here you can find them all, the famous and less famous, for all the people who want to share their videos with the world.
18 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
Related channels:

Metacafe is another example of a popular video site that is free to use and can earn you a bit of cash if others recognize your talent. Meta considers itself the elite of online video with over 25 million viewings a month, as its content is a result of community auditions, rankings and rewards. If you ...


Plumi is a free software video sharing content management system based on Plone and produced by the EngageMedia collective. Plumi enables you to create your own sophisticated video sharing site; by adding it to an existing Plone instance, you can quickly have a wide array of functionality to facilitate ...

Viddler is a fresh, creative web application that lets you upload, enhance, and share digital video quickly and easily inside your web browser. Got a camera and some friends? Go have fun, and put the result on Viddler. Viddler gives you the opportunity to reach out to thousands of viewers online, make ...


StupidVideos is a viral video website dedicated to humorous, off-the-wall videos, including wild stunts, wacky animals, sports bloopers, funny commercials, song and dance parodies and more. At the end of each year, the editors select the funniest original, viral video which can win from 2500 up to 25 ...


YouTube is a consumer media company to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. You can see first-hand accounts of current events, find videos about your hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky and unusual. As more people capture special moments on video, YouTube is ...

Photobucket provides free video and photo sharing. Easily host and link all your videos and images to social networks, auction sites, blogs, message boards and more. You'll have 1 Gigabyte of space (about 10,000 videos and images), can create custom slideshows and upload from your mobile phone. Photobucket ...

Vube is a video sharing platform, video promotion and also an opportunity to compete and win with one's videoclip. In fact, every month the most popular videos of all wins cash. To access the community you must register, create a personal channel, upload your own video content, vote and comment on those ...

There are many other sites offering funny, interesting and strange videos on the internet. Wimp is one of these. Here you can find great videos and the best of all they are suitable for all ages! If you have a video you want to show the world, upload it for free on Wimp! Don't forget to subscribe to ...
