Sudoku is a puzzle craze that has been sweeping the globe, it is a logic-based number placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. Play Sudoku online for free or download the grids to print and play offline. The Sudoku Solver sites offer you useful solving tools and there are special sites for kids as well.
15 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.

| is the first French website providing Free Sudoku puzzles to play online and the first providing Free online challenge. Play online or print Sudoku puzzles for Free, the logic game in way to conquer the whole world! All is free, you can play online, Print sudoku puzzles (4 sudoku per page), ...

If you enjoy sudoku, because it relaxes you and keeps your brain in training, on this page you can choose a level among the four proposed (easy, medium, hard, really hard) and start playing online or print gridlines on paper. If you cannot find the solution, you can use the Solver.

| offers you the ability to play sudoku puzzles until you drop. They let you create and manage your very own daily Sudoku tournament for FREE. This allows you to invite friends and family to come compete against each other. You can also compete in both of their easy and intermediate public ...


A well-stocked site for real fans of Sudoku: it contains literally millions of free sudoku puzzles with a unique solution to be solved online without installing any plug-in on your browser. Choose the difficulty level and start playing. If you have trouble, with the Check button you will find the solution ...

Sudoku is fun, it's challenging, it's addictive! You can check out the tips on how to solve Sudoku puzzles, browse the forums for more tips, or check the solutions to the Sudokus you see in print. You can Download a free trial of Sudoku.