Looking to further your education? With the World Wide Web it is easy to find useful services to enrich culturally, to get the desired education and finally earn the college degree of your dreams. There are many free courses on the Internet, from wine tasting to guitar, to reading lessons. Sites for all ages and to learn about anything and everything! All you need to learn and to study, you will find here!
31 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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Springest is an independent and transparent Learning and Development search engine and platform where you can easily find the right course to develop personally and professionally. You can search, filter and compare training courses in 19 different categories, read reviews and pose questions to L and ...


At Textbooks.com you will find the right book at the right price, quickly and easily. Their easy-to-use site, low prices and fast, reliable shipping make them the premier destination for buying textbooks online. You can save a ton of cash on list prices for the same exact textbook. Plus, they make it ...


Take your time, and try to answer all of the questions. It should be both fun and satisfactory for you. If you find all the answers, you have an outstanding mind and pretty high IQ. More than 98% of the people would not be able to do it. Try solving it by yourself, some of the questions require creative ...


TyperA is a Java program that tests your typing speed. You get randomly chosen words or sentences and try to type them as fast as possible. A game lasts for one or two minutes. The program counts letters of the correctly typed words and divides it by the test time. This will be your score, expressed ...

The Testking testing engine is designed specifically to focus on your needs and to be the best training tool available. This downloadable format engine contains all of the features you need and want in an exam simulator. It is fast to download, fast to install and as with their other Testking products, ...


TutoreDattilo is a program designed to help you to the correct use of the computer keyboard with the "blind" ten fingers typing which is the fastest and convenient method to write using the computer keyboard. With TutoreDattilo and with patience and persistence, in a short time you will be successful. ...

Get free help to succeed in your school classes. Brightstorm offers online video courses taught by talented teachers in many subjects and SAT prep. Each video course includes interactive quizzes, practice problems, and study guides. The videos will help you to better understand the subject matter and ...


Typing is an essential skill these days and quite annoying to learn. But at TenThumbsTypingTutor you can learn how to do it in an easy and fun way. The tutor teache you the proper way to type without looking at the keys, thus enabling you to double your productivity at work or school. It will reduce ...

Problems with math and need some extra help? On basic-mathematics.com they will help you to better understand basic mathematics. They will teach you math by going in depth into many different topics. Arithmetic, geometry, algebra or graph, this site will explain all their secrets to you! The site also ...


On IT-Schools you can easily find the Italian language and culture, art or cooking school that you are looking for. IT-Schools provides you with a complete list of the Italian language and culture schools in Italy. You can find the Italian language school and the course you are looking for, by selecting ...